Monday, July 13, 2009

The sweet life of Todd and Kara

Have you ever had one of those sunday mornings that is somehow less than spiritual? You know, one of the ones where every child has been in tears at least once and both parents are on the verge of putting themselves in a good old fashioned time out?! One of those Sundays where you sit down late and grumpy just in time to sing the opening hymn--which just happens to be Love At Home?

Long pause, awkward silence...

Me neither. But I'm sure that if it ever did happen the irony of it all would strike me so funny that mom and Rachel could almost hear my muffled laughs should they happen to be sitting three rows up.

On a brighter note, other things have been going on that are a little more fun to remember...

Alice and I made a grass doll

Todd went deep sea fishing on the high adventure and grew a two week beard

we went camping at Pocahontas State Park with Justin and Rachel and Grandma Lee